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dc.contributor.advisorLozano Chaguay, Luis Alberto
dc.contributor.authorPérez Yance, Abrahán Romario
dc.descriptionThe study conducted at LubriSpa S.A., located in Babahoyo, analyzes how the customer loyalty strategies implemented during the year 2023 have influenced its market share and the quality of customer service. The descriptive research used surveys directed at customers and interviews with the company’s manager to gain a thorough understanding of the study variables. The results showed that despite facing certain challenges, the loyalty and customer service strategies achieved significant successes. In particular, the "Customer First" strategy stood out for its positive impact, contributing to an increase in market coverage and the acquisition of new customers. The surveys revealed that customers appreciated the improvements in service attention and personalization, increasing their satisfaction and loyalty to the company. The interviews with the manager indicated that, although there were obstacles in the implementation of these strategies, valuable insights were gained that will allow LubriSpa to adjust and improve its methods. The study highlights the importance of continuous improvement and adaptation to market conditions to maintain and increase competitiveness. In conclusion, this analysis demonstrates that by understanding and meeting the needs and expectations of its customers, LubriSpa can develop more effective strategies that enhance service perception and consolidate its market position, thereby increasing its competitiveness and sustainability in the long term.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe study conducted at LubriSpa S.A., located in Babahoyo, analyzes how the customer loyalty strategies implemented during the year 2023 have influenced its market share and the quality of customer service. The descriptive research used surveys directed at customers and interviews with the company’s manager to gain a thorough understanding of the study variables. The results showed that despite facing certain challenges, the loyalty and customer service strategies achieved significant successes. In particular, the "Customer First" strategy stood out for its positive impact, contributing to an increase in market coverage and the acquisition of new customers. The surveys revealed that customers appreciated the improvements in service attention and personalization, increasing their satisfaction and loyalty to the company. The interviews with the manager indicated that, although there were obstacles in the implementation of these strategies, valuable insights were gained that will allow LubriSpa to adjust and improve its methods. The study highlights the importance of continuous improvement and adaptation to market conditions to maintain and increase competitiveness. In conclusion, this analysis demonstrates that by understanding and meeting the needs and expectations of its customers, LubriSpa can develop more effective strategies that enhance service perception and consolidate its market position, thereby increasing its competitiveness and sustainability in the long term.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl estudio realizado en LubriSpa S·A·, ubicada en Babahoyo, analiza cómo las estrategias de fidelización de clientes implementadas durante el año 2023 han influido en su participación en el mercado y en la calidad del servicio al cliente· La investigación, de carácter descriptivo, empleó encuestas dirigidas a los clientes y entrevistas al gerente de la empresa para comprender a fondo las variables del estudio. Los resultados mostraron que, a pesar de enfrentar ciertos desafíos, las estrategias de fidelización y servicio al cliente lograron éxitos significativos· En particular, la estrategia "Cliente Primero" destacó por su impacto positivo, contribuyendo al aumento de la cobertura del mercado y a la captación de nuevos clientes· Las encuestas revelaron que los clientes valoraron las mejoras en la atención y la personalización del servicio, incrementando su satisfacción y lealtad hacia la empresa. Las entrevistas con el gerente indicaron que, aunque hubo obstáculos en la implementación de estas estrategias, se obtuvieron aprendizajes valiosos que permitirán a LubriSpa ajustar y mejorar sus métodos· El estudio subraya la importancia de la mejora continua y la adaptación a las condiciones del mercado para mantener y aumentar la competitividad. Por lo que se puede concluir que, este análisis demuestra que, al comprender y satisfacer las necesidades y expectativas de sus clientes, LubriSpa puede desarrollar estrategias más efectivas que mejoren la percepción del servicio y consoliden su posición en el mercado, incrementando su competitividad y sostenibilidad a largo plazo.es_ES
dc.format.extent59 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectLubriSpa SAes_ES
dc.titleEl servicio al cliente y su incidencia en el posicionamiento de mercado de la Empresa LubriSpa S A de la ciudad de Babahoyo - Periodo 2023.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
Excepto si se señala otra cosa, la licencia del ítem se describe como Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador