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dc.contributor.advisorOlvera Contreras, Orlando
dc.contributor.authorVelez Contreras, Karen Patricia
dc.descriptionOne of the most important processes in any crop is pollination, since it allows the formation of the fruit which will directly affect the yield. The objective of this research was to describe the importance of pollinating insects of the cocoa crop Theobroma cacao L. in association with banana. The document was developed through the compilation of diverse information for research purposes from various websites, scientific articles, sources and bibliographic repositories that are accessible through digital platforms. The conclusions determined that the presence of pollinators in cocoa cultivation helps to increase fertilized flowers and therefore the production of pods. Furthermore, the preservation of the habitat of Forcipomyia and other pollinator species favors the development of colonies of these beneficial insects. The main species responsible for the pollination of the cocoa flower are: Family Ceratopogonidae, which includes those mainly responsible for pollination, with the most relevant genera being Forcipomyia, Dasyhelea and Atrichopogon. Among the species of the genus Forcipomyia collected in the center of the Ecuadorian coast: F. blantoni, F. bicolor, F. fuliginosa, F. cinctipes, F. brachyrhynchus, F. genualis, F. pictoni, F. argenteola, F. pluvialis, F. sexvittata, F. cinctipes and Forcipomyia spp. Among the protection and conservation measures for pollinators in cocoa cultivation, it has been determined that, under agroforestry systems or in association with fruit species present in most cocoa farms such as banana, a favorable environment is created for the abundance of pollinator species, providing environmental benefits due to the diversity and structural complexity of the shade canopy, wind regulation and soil improvement.es_ES
dc.descriptionOne of the most important processes in any crop is pollination, since it allows the formation of the fruit which will directly affect the yield. The objective of this research was to describe the importance of pollinating insects of the cocoa crop Theobroma cacao L. in association with banana. The document was developed through the compilation of diverse information for research purposes from various websites, scientific articles, sources and bibliographic repositories that are accessible through digital platforms. The conclusions determined that the presence of pollinators in cocoa cultivation helps to increase fertilized flowers and therefore the production of pods. Furthermore, the preservation of the habitat of Forcipomyia and other pollinator species favors the development of colonies of these beneficial insects. The main species responsible for the pollination of the cocoa flower are: Family Ceratopogonidae, which includes those mainly responsible for pollination, with the most relevant genera being Forcipomyia, Dasyhelea and Atrichopogon. Among the species of the genus Forcipomyia collected in the center of the Ecuadorian coast: F. blantoni, F. bicolor, F. fuliginosa, F. cinctipes, F. brachyrhynchus, F. genualis, F. pictoni, F. argenteola, F. pluvialis, F. sexvittata, F. cinctipes and Forcipomyia spp. Among the protection and conservation measures for pollinators in cocoa cultivation, it has been determined that, under agroforestry systems or in association with fruit species present in most cocoa farms such as banana, a favorable environment is created for the abundance of pollinator species, providing environmental benefits due to the diversity and structural complexity of the shade canopy, wind regulation and soil improvement.es_ES
dc.description.abstractUno de los procesos más importantes en cualquier cultivo es la polinización, ya que permite la formación del fruto lo cual incidirá directamente en el rendimiento. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue describir la importancia de los insectos polinizadores del cultivo de cacao Theobroma cacao L. en asociación con el plátano. El documento se desarrolló a través de la recopilación de información diversa con fines de investigación proveniente de diversos sitios web, artículos científicos, fuentes y repositorios bibliográficos que son accesibles a través de plataformas digitales. Las conclusiones determinaron que la presencia de polinizadores en el cultivo de cacao ayuda al incremento de flores fecundadas y por ende la producción de mazorcas. Además, la preservación del hábitat de Forcipomyia y otras especies de polinizadores favorecen el desarrollo de las colonias de estos insectos benéficos. Las principales especies responsables de la polinización de la flor de cacao son: Familia Ceratopogonidae que, incluye a los principales responsables de la polinización, siendo los géneros de mayor relevancia Forcipomyia, Dasyhelea y Atrichopogon. Entre las especies del género Forcipomyia colectadas en el centro del Litoral ecuatoriano: F. blantoni, F. bicolor, F. fuliginosa, F. cinctipes, F. brachyrhynchus, F. genualis, F. pictoni, F. argenteola, F. pluvialis, F. sexvittata, F. cinctipes y Forcipomyia spp. Entre las medidas de protección y conservación para los polinizadores en el cultivo de cacao se ha determinado que, bajo sistemas agroforestales o en asocio con especies frutales presentes en la mayoría de las fincas cacaoteras como plátano se crea un ambiente favorable para la abundancia de especies polinizadores, brindándoles beneficios ambientales debido a la diversidad y complejidad estructural del dosel de sombra, regulación de vientos y mejoramiento del suelo.es_ES
dc.format.extent26 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.titleImportancia de los insectos polinizadores del cultivo de cacao Theobroma cacao L. en asociación con el plátanoes_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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