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dc.contributor.advisorZúñiga Sánchez, Miguel Ángel
dc.contributor.authorSánchez Jiménez, Adrián José
dc.descriptionThe Parish GAD of Pimocha, belonging to Babahoyo, province of Los Ríos, faces technological challenges and efficient service to its citizens, its competencies that include: territorial planning, infrastructure, rural roads, productive development, public services and community organization, must be served effectively in accordance with what citizens request in that framework, however in this research work aspects have been found that reflect deficiencies in terms of training in technologies and with a limited technological infrastructure prevent better service to citizens. In this case study, it is proposed Analisis the Zammad Help desk system to improve operational efficiency and user experience in the Pimocha GAD, allowing the centralization and automation of request management, improving the monitoring system and reducing of errors, however, resistance to change and the need for training are an additional challenge. In this case study, a survey was conducted with 32 citizens, in addition to an interview with personnel who work in two different areas of user service, and revealed dissatisfaction with the current system and long periods of time where responses and solutions are provided. citizens' requests, so the study shows that they showed a favorable perception towards the improvement of services with technologies. The adoption of the Zammad Help desk could significantly improve administrative efficiency, reduce response times and increase citizen satisfaction, although it requires a comprehensive approach to address the identified challenges. Although this software is designed primarily for technological support, it could be adapted also to management and citizen requests.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe Parish GAD of Pimocha, belonging to Babahoyo, province of Los Ríos, faces technological challenges and efficient service to its citizens, its competencies that include: territorial planning, infrastructure, rural roads, productive development, public services and community organization, must be served effectively in accordance with what citizens request in that framework, however in this research work aspects have been found that reflect deficiencies in terms of training in technologies and with a limited technological infrastructure prevent better service to citizens. In this case study, it is proposed Analisis the Zammad Help desk system to improve operational efficiency and user experience in the Pimocha GAD, allowing the centralization and automation of request management, improving the monitoring system and reducing of errors, however, resistance to change and the need for training are an additional challenge. In this case study, a survey was conducted with 32 citizens, in addition to an interview with personnel who work in two different areas of user service, and revealed dissatisfaction with the current system and long periods of time where responses and solutions are provided. citizens' requests, so the study shows that they showed a favorable perception towards the improvement of services with technologies. The adoption of the Zammad Help desk could significantly improve administrative efficiency, reduce response times and increase citizen satisfaction, although it requires a comprehensive approach to address the identified challenges. Although this software is designed primarily for technological support, it could be adapted also to management and citizen requests.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl GAD parroquial de Pimocha, perteneciente a Babahoyo, provincia de Los Ríos, enfrenta desafíos tecnológicos y de atención eficiente a sus ciudadanos, sus competencias que incluyen: planificación territorial, infraestructura, vialidad rural, fomento productivo, servicios públicos y organización comunitaria, deben ser atendidos de manera eficaz acorde como los ciudadanos solicitan en ese marco, sin embargo en este trabajo de investigación se han encontrado aspectos en los que se reflejan deficiencias en cuanto a la capacitación en tecnologías y con una infraestructura tecnológica limitada impiden un mejor servicio a los ciudadanos. En este caso de estudio se hace un análisis del sistema help desk Zammad para mejorar la eficiencia operativa y la experiencia del usuario en el gobierno parroquial de Pimocha, permitiendo centralizar y automatizar la gestión de solicitudes, haciendo qiue se vea mejorado el sistema de seguimiento y la reducción de errores, sin embargo, la resistencia al cambio y la necesidad de capacitación son un desafio adicional. En este caso de estudio se ha realizado una encuesta a 32 ciudadanos, además de una entrevista al personal que labora en dos áreas distintas de atención al usuario, y reveló insatisfacción con el sistema actual y largos periodos de tiempo donde se brindan respuesta y soluciones alas peticiones de los ciudadanos, por lo que del estudio se ve reflejado que mostraron una percepción favorable hacia la mejora de servicios con tecnologías. La adopción del help desk Zammad, podría mejorar de forma significativa la eficiencia administrativa, reducir tiempos de respuesta y aumentar la satisfacción ciudadana, aunque requiere un enfoque integral que permita abordar los desafíos identificados, aunque este software está diseñado principalmente para soporte tecnológico, podría adaptarse también a la gestión y peticiones ciudadanas.es_ES
dc.format.extent46 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectHelp Desk Zamadises_ES
dc.titleAnálisis del Servicio de Help desk Zammad para Mejoras en la Eficiencia y Experiencia del Usuario en el GAD Parroquial de Pimocha.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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