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dc.contributor.advisorVega Villacís, Geovanny
dc.contributor.authorSalazar Elizondo, Cinthia Yanira
dc.descriptionThis case study is based mainly on a systematic analysis for the management of personnel control at the Casa de Tejas farm, since they maintain different processes in the administrative or human talent area manually, making the various activities take longer and are prone to human errors. This gave way to the review of bibliographic sources that helped to know how relevant it is to be at the forefront of technology and currently with significant advances it is very necessary to always maintain correct management in each department so that it is clear, the implementation of a human talent system that generates reports that are easy to manipulate and understand is recommended, that recruits and selects employees, among other activities, and thus manages to make the right decisions that benefit the banana farm.es_ES
dc.descriptionThis case study is based mainly on a systematic analysis for the management of personnel control at the Casa de Tejas farm, since they maintain different processes in the administrative or human talent area manually, making the various activities take longer and are prone to human errors. This gave way to the review of bibliographic sources that helped to know how relevant it is to be at the forefront of technology and currently with significant advances it is very necessary to always maintain correct management in each department so that it is clear, the implementation of a human talent system that generates reports that are easy to manipulate and understand is recommended, that recruits and selects employees, among other activities, and thus manages to make the right decisions that benefit the banana farm.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente estudio de caso se basa principalmente en un análisis sistemático para la gestión del control de personal en la hacienda Casa de Tejas, ya que ellos mantienen diferentes procesos en cuanto al área administrativa o de talento humano de manera manual haciendo que las diversas actividades sean más tardías y estén propensas a errores humanos. Esto dio paso a la revisión de fuentes bibliográficas que ayudaron a conocer lo relevante que es estar a la vanguardia de la tecnología y en la actualidad con avances significativos es muy necesario mantener siempre una correcta gestión en cada departamento para que esta sea clara, se recomienda la implementación de un sistema de talento humano que genere informes fáciles de manipular y entender, que realice reclutamiento y selección de empleados, entre otras actividades y así se logre tomar las decisiones adecuadas que beneficien a la hacienda bananera.es_ES
dc.format.extent43 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectTalento humanoes_ES
dc.titleAnálisis de la automatización para la gestión del control de personal en la Hacienda "Casa de Tejas".es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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