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dc.contributor.advisorReyes Borja, Walter Oswaldo
dc.contributor.authorSolórzano Ponce, Julissa Melibeth
dc.descriptionThe present research work lies in improving the viability and development of explants, which is crucial for the efficient propagation of banana (Musa AAB) cv. Hartón Barraganete, increasing the production of healthy seedlings, reducing costs and improving crop quality. The main purpose of the research is to determine the decrease in phenolization of in vitro explants of Banana (Musa AAB) with different antioxidants in the induction stage under laboratory conditions. The study of the proposed variables is: to evaluate phenolyzation with different antioxidants, to establish the effect of these on the development of the explants, to identify the optimal concentration of each antioxidant and to analyze the survival rate of the centrifuged explants. The process to be evaluated consists of applying several antioxidants to the explants in different concentrations, monitoring their development and phenolization; and analyze the data to identify optimal conditions that minimize phenolization and maximize explant survival. The results of the study indicate that Ascorbic Acid (AA) is the most effective antioxidant for reducing phenolyzation in banana explants at all stages of the experiment, consistently maintaining the lowest phenol means throughout the nine days. In contrast, Activated Charcoal (AC) and absolute control with direct seeding (TA-SD) were shown to be the least effective treatments, with significantly higher phenolyzation levels. These findings suggest that the use of Ascorbic Acid as an antioxidant could be a viable strategy to minimize the negative effects of phenolization in banana in vitro cultures, which may improve success rates in micropropagation of this culture. However, the effectiveness of other antioxidants such as EDTA and T-AD, although better than that of CA and TA-SD, did not reach the levels of inhibition achieved by AA. Therefore, the implementation of Ascorbic Acid in banana micropropagation protocols is recommended, especially in the initial stages of cultivation.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe present research work lies in improving the viability and development of explants, which is crucial for the efficient propagation of banana (Musa AAB) cv. Hartón Barraganete, increasing the production of healthy seedlings, reducing costs and improving crop quality. The main purpose of the research is to determine the decrease in phenolization of in vitro explants of Banana (Musa AAB) with different antioxidants in the induction stage under laboratory conditions. The study of the proposed variables is: to evaluate phenolyzation with different antioxidants, to establish the effect of these on the development of the explants, to identify the optimal concentration of each antioxidant and to analyze the survival rate of the centrifuged explants. The process to be evaluated consists of applying several antioxidants to the explants in different concentrations, monitoring their development and phenolization; and analyze the data to identify optimal conditions that minimize phenolization and maximize explant survival. The results of the study indicate that Ascorbic Acid (AA) is the most effective antioxidant for reducing phenolyzation in banana explants at all stages of the experiment, consistently maintaining the lowest phenol means throughout the nine days. In contrast, Activated Charcoal (AC) and absolute control with direct seeding (TA-SD) were shown to be the least effective treatments, with significantly higher phenolyzation levels. These findings suggest that the use of Ascorbic Acid as an antioxidant could be a viable strategy to minimize the negative effects of phenolization in banana in vitro cultures, which may improve success rates in micropropagation of this culture. However, the effectiveness of other antioxidants such as EDTA and T-AD, although better than that of CA and TA-SD, did not reach the levels of inhibition achieved by AA. Therefore, the implementation of Ascorbic Acid in banana micropropagation protocols is recommended, especially in the initial stages of cultivation.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente trabajo de investigación radica en mejorar la viabilidad y el desarrollo de los explantes, lo cual es crucial para la propagación eficiente del plátano (Musa AAB) cv. Hartón Barraganete, aumentando la producción de plántulas sanas, reduciendo costos y mejorando la calidad del cultivo. El principal propósito de la investigación es determinar la disminución de la fenolización de explantes in vitro de Plátano (Musa AAB) con diferentes antioxidantes en la etapa de inducción bajo condiciones de laboratorio. El estudio de las variables propuestas es: evaluar la fenolización con diferentes antioxidantes, establecer el efecto de estos sobre el desarrollo de los explantes, identificar la concentración óptima de cada antioxidante y analizar la tasa de supervivencia de los explantes centrifugados. El proceso a evaluar consiste en aplicar varios antioxidantes a los explantes en diferentes concentraciones, monitorear su desarrollo y fenolización; y analizar los datos para identificar las condiciones óptimas que minimicen la fenolización y maximicen la supervivencia de los explantes. Los resultados del estudio indican que el Ácido Ascórbico (AA) es el antioxidante más efectivo para reducir la fenolización en explantes de plátano en todas las etapas del experimento, manteniendo consistentemente las medias más bajas de fenoles a lo largo de los nueve días. En contraste, el Carbón Activado (CA) y el testigo absoluto con siembra directa (TA-SD) mostraron ser los tratamientos menos efectivos, con niveles de fenolización significativamente más altos. Estos hallazgos sugieren que el uso de Ácido Ascórbico como antioxidante podría ser una estrategia viable para minimizar los efectos negativos de la fenolización en cultivos in vitro de plátano, lo que puede mejorar las tasas de éxito en la micropropagación de este cultivo. Sin embargo, la efectividad de otros antioxidantes como EDTA y T-AD, aunque mejor que la de CA y TA-SD, no alcanzó los niveles de inhibición logrados por el AA. Por lo tanto, se recomienda la implementación del Ácido Ascórbico en protocolos de micropropagación de plátano, especialmente en las etapas iniciales del cultivo.es_ES
dc.format.extent56 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectPlátano (Musa AAB)es_ES
dc.titleDisminución de la fenolización de explantes in vitro de Plátano (Musa AAB) cv. Hartón Barraganete con diferentes antioxidantes en la etapa de inducción bajo condiciones de laboratorioes_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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