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dc.contributor.advisorRivera Troya, Dayaneth
dc.contributor.authorCarrasco Machado, Samuel Wladimir
dc.descriptionThe objective of this research is to suggest the use of poultry waste such as chicken feet for the generation of good products and implement them in the agro-industrial sector, generating a benefit in the production of meat products (sausage, pate and mortadella), specifically in the improvement of the stabilization of meat emulsions, through the implementation of avian collagen as a new source of emulsifiers in meat matrices, for this purpose the validation of the different physicochemical properties of the raw material was carried out, as well as the collagen that is extracted from them, all this through bibliographic review, where it is found that chicken feet have 17.17g of protein per 100 grams of this residuality, where it is also found that at the time of collagen extraction, this index is much higher (78.52%) unlike other residualities such as that generated by fish (12.55%), in the same way it is shown that by implementing this type of emulsifying products in meat this tends to improve the appearance and consistency of the food matrix, showing that in sausages it generates a binding action of the water, fat and protein imbalances, improving in turn the acceptability of the products, and generating benefits to the consumer, thus fulfilling the main function evaluated in this bibliographic compilation.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe objective of this research is to suggest the use of poultry waste such as chicken feet for the generation of good products and implement them in the agro-industrial sector, generating a benefit in the production of meat products (sausage, pate and mortadella), specifically in the improvement of the stabilization of meat emulsions, through the implementation of avian collagen as a new source of emulsifiers in meat matrices, for this purpose the validation of the different physicochemical properties of the raw material was carried out, as well as the collagen that is extracted from them, all this through bibliographic review, where it is found that chicken feet have 17.17g of protein per 100 grams of this residuality, where it is also found that at the time of collagen extraction, this index is much higher (78.52%) unlike other residualities such as that generated by fish (12.55%), in the same way it is shown that by implementing this type of emulsifying products in meat this tends to improve the appearance and consistency of the food matrix, showing that in sausages it generates a binding action of the water, fat and protein imbalances, improving in turn the acceptability of the products, and generating benefits to the consumer, thus fulfilling the main function evaluated in this bibliographic compilation.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl objetivo de esta investigación es sugerir la utilización de residuos avícolas como las patas de pollo para la generación de buenos productos e implementarlos en el sector agroindustrial, generando un beneficio en la producción de productos cárnicos (salchicha, paté y mortadela), específicamente en la mejora de la estabilización de las emulsiones cárnicas, mediante la implementación de colágeno aviar como nueva fuente emulsificantes en matrices cárnicas, para ello se realizó la validación de las diferentes propiedades fisicoquímicas de la materia prima, como del colágeno que se extraen de estas, todo esto mediante revisión bibliográfica, donde se constata que las patas de pollo poseen 17.17g de proteína por cada 100 gramos de esta residualidad, donde además se constata que en el momento de la extracción de colágeno, este índices es mucha más alto (78.52%) a diferencia de otras residualidades como la generada de los peces (12.55%), de la misma forma se demuestra que al implementar este tipo de productos emulsificantes en cárnicos esta tiende a mejorar la apariencia y consistencia de la matriz alimentaria, evidenciando que en los embutidos genera un acción ligante de los desfases de agua, grasas y proteínas, mejorando a su vez la aceptabilidad de los productos, y generando beneficios al consumidor, cumpliendo así la principal función evaluada en esta recopilación bibliográfica.es_ES
dc.format.extent31 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo, Ecuadores_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.titleColágeno aviar como alternativa emulsificante en la elaboración de salchicha, paté y mortadela.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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