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dc.contributor.advisorEnrique Rojas Jorgge, Nessar
dc.contributor.authorSanchez Pisco, Liza Beatriz
dc.descriptionSoil is one of the most important non-renewable resources for agricultural production, but it is subject to the effects of compaction and anthropogenic erosion due to excessive use and ignorance of its properties, which result from continuous and intensive soil erosion. The main objective is to evaluate the levels of compaction and anthropogenic erosion of agricultural soils in the CEDEGE area, Babahoyo, to propose management alternatives that improve agricultural productivity and soil sustainability. The research work focuses on quantifying the levels of compaction in agricultural soils, establishing the degrees of anthropogenic erosion and determining management alternatives for compacted and eroded soils. The methodology includes the collection of soil samples in 30 sectors of the study area of the CEDEGE-Babahoyo project, the variables evaluated are: resistance to penetration, determination of soil color using the Munsell Table, analysis of cations most influenced by compaction effects (K, Mg, Ca), storage capacity and infiltration rate. The results indicate that the presence of Calcium and Magnesium with values above the minimum required range can be influenced by the constant agricultural activity in the sector, the low levels of potassium are a consequence of the gradual loss of clay from the soils, the degrees of Erosion are They estimated no or very little erosion (group 1) for Valle-Verde and Cedral-1; with moderate erosion (group 2) in 2-Puentes, Almesa and Rodríguez. The most recommended practices for the sector are indicated: direct sowing with zero tillage, minimum tillage, linear tree planting as a dividing fence and crop rotation.es_ES
dc.descriptionSoil is one of the most important non-renewable resources for agricultural production, but it is subject to the effects of compaction and anthropogenic erosion due to excessive use and ignorance of its properties, which result from continuous and intensive soil erosion. The main objective is to evaluate the levels of compaction and anthropogenic erosion of agricultural soils in the CEDEGE area, Babahoyo, to propose management alternatives that improve agricultural productivity and soil sustainability. The research work focuses on quantifying the levels of compaction in agricultural soils, establishing the degrees of anthropogenic erosion and determining management alternatives for compacted and eroded soils. The methodology includes the collection of soil samples in 30 sectors of the study area of the CEDEGE-Babahoyo project, the variables evaluated are: resistance to penetration, determination of soil color using the Munsell Table, analysis of cations most influenced by compaction effects (K, Mg, Ca), storage capacity and infiltration rate. The results indicate that the presence of Calcium and Magnesium with values above the minimum required range can be influenced by the constant agricultural activity in the sector, the low levels of potassium are a consequence of the gradual loss of clay from the soils, the degrees of Erosion are They estimated no or very little erosion (group 1) for Valle-Verde and Cedral-1; with moderate erosion (group 2) in 2-Puentes, Almesa and Rodríguez. The most recommended practices for the sector are indicated: direct sowing with zero tillage, minimum tillage, linear tree planting as a dividing fence and crop rotation.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl suelo es uno de los recursos no renovables más importante para la producción agrícola, pero está sujeto a efectos de compactación y erosión antrópica por el uso desmedido y el desconocimiento de sus propiedades, que resultan de un continuo e intensivo desgate del suelo. El objetivo principal es evaluar los niveles de compactación y erosión antrópica de suelos agrícolas en la zona de CEDEGE, Babahoyo, con el fin de proponer alternativas de manejo que mejoren la productividad agrícola y la sostenibilidad del suelo. El trabajo investigativo se enfoca en cuantificar los niveles de compactación en suelos agrícolas, establecer los grados de erosión antrópica y determinar alternativas de manejo para suelos compactados y erosionados. La metodología incluye la recolección de muestras de suelo en 30 sectores de la zona de estudio del proyecto CEDEGE-Babahoyo, las variables evaluadas son: resistencia a la penetración, determinación del color del suelo mediante la Tabla de Munsell, análisis de cationes más influenciados por efectos de compactación (K, Mg, Ca), capacidad de almacenamiento y velocidad de infiltración. Los resultados indican que la presencia de Calcio y Magnesio con valores arriba del rango mínimo requerido puede estar influenciada por la contante actividad agrícola del sector, los bajos niveles de potasio son consecuencia de la pérdida paulatina de arcilla de los suelos, los grados de Erosión se estimaron Ninguna o muy poca erosión (grupo 1) para Valle-Verde y Cedral-1; con erosión moderada (grupo 2) en 2-Puentes, Almesa y Rodríguez. Las prácticas más recomendadas para el sector se indican: siembra directa con cero labranzas, labranza mínima, siembra de árboles lineal como cerca divisoria y rotación de cultivos.es_ES
dc.format.extent68 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectColor de sueloes_ES
dc.subjectResistencia a la penetraciónes_ES
dc.titleEvaluación de niveles de compactación y erosión antrópica de suelos agrícolas en la zona de CEDEGE, Babahoyoes_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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