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dc.contributor.advisorOnofre Zapata, Ronny
dc.contributor.authorTriviño Márquez, Stwart Tyron
dc.descriptionThis case study is based on the analysis of the sales management of the Ruly Acero Hardware store in the city of Babahoyo in the period 2023, which presents inefficiency in sales as the main problem, which has been manifested by presence of several deficits. On the part of the company’s staff, on the other hand, the absence of solid marketing strategies has limited the visibility of the hardware store and its ability to attract new customers. The main objective was established to design efficiency strategies in sales management to improve the positioning, image and sustained growth over time of the hardware store. The methodology used in this case is the root cause in order to analyze the factors that affect the sales process of the hardware store, two very important techniques were used, including the surveys and EFI matrix, where it was proven that the internal strengths identified such as the efficient work team, the experience of the sellers and the client portfolio, can be used to mitigate the weaknesses identified such as the little use of the internet for the marketing of the products offered, the low diversity of the products and the deficit in its internal control. Finally, thanks to the analysis of the results of the techniques used, it was possible the conclude with the satisfactory fulfillment of the specific objectives established, such as implementing strategies that improve the sales process as well as prioritizing the implementation of training for personnel in practices, logistics and sales techniques.es_ES
dc.descriptionThis case study is based on the analysis of the sales management of the Ruly Acero Hardware store in the city of Babahoyo in the period 2023, which presents inefficiency in sales as the main problem, which has been manifested by presence of several deficits. On the part of the company’s staff, on the other hand, the absence of solid marketing strategies has limited the visibility of the hardware store and its ability to attract new customers. The main objective was established to design efficiency strategies in sales management to improve the positioning, image and sustained growth over time of the hardware store. The methodology used in this case is the root cause in order to analyze the factors that affect the sales process of the hardware store, two very important techniques were used, including the surveys and EFI matrix, where it was proven that the internal strengths identified such as the efficient work team, the experience of the sellers and the client portfolio, can be used to mitigate the weaknesses identified such as the little use of the internet for the marketing of the products offered, the low diversity of the products and the deficit in its internal control. Finally, thanks to the analysis of the results of the techniques used, it was possible the conclude with the satisfactory fulfillment of the specific objectives established, such as implementing strategies that improve the sales process as well as prioritizing the implementation of training for personnel in practices, logistics and sales techniques.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente caso de estudio se basa en el análisis de la gestión de ventas de la Ferretería Ruly Acero de la ciudad de Babahoyo en el periodo 2023, la cual presenta como problema principal la ineficiencia en ventas esta se ha manifestado por la presencia de varios déficits por parte del personal de la empresa, por otro lado, la ausencia de estrategias de marketing sólidas ha limitado la visibilidad de la ferretería y su capacidad para atraer nuevos clientes. Se estableció como objetivo principal diseñar estrategias de eficiencia en la Gestión de Ventas para mejorar el posicionamiento, la imagen y un crecimiento sostenido en el tiempo de la Ferretería. La metodología que se usó en este caso es el de causa-raíz con el fin de analizar los factores que afectan el proceso de ventas de la Ferretería, se usaron dos técnicas muy importantes entre ellas la encuestas y matriz EFI, donde se comprobó que las fortalezas internas identificadas como el equipo de trabajo eficiente, la experiencia de los vendedores y la cartera de clientes, pueden ser aprovechadas para mitigar las debilidades identificadas como el poco uso de internet para la comercialización de los productos que ofrece, la poca diversidad de productos y el déficit en su control interno. Finalmente, gracias al análisis de los resultados de las técnicas utilizadas se pudo concluir con el cumplimiento satisfactorio de los objetivos específicos establecidos como es el implementar estrategias que mejoren el proceso de ventas al igual, entre ellas se prioriza la implementación de capacitaciones al personal en prácticas logísticas y técnicas de ventas.es_ES
dc.format.extent54 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectGestión de ventases_ES
dc.subjectMatriz EFIes_ES
dc.titleGestión de ventas en la Ferretería Ruly Acero de la ciudad de Babahoyo en el periodo 2023.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
Excepto si se señala otra cosa, la licencia del ítem se describe como Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador