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dc.contributor.advisorSandoya Valero, Elsy Carlota
dc.contributor.authorRamírez Millán, Lilibeth Mariela
dc.descriptionThis case study is based on the analysis of customer satisfaction in the Ghost Solutions Technical Service, a company dedicated to the sale of phone accessories and technical services for the repair and maintenance of electronic devices, through research techniques, to promote loyalty and improve reputation. As an important point for the execution of this case study, the little attention given to customer satisfaction by the employees of this company was taken into account, which is why we seek to analyze what are the fundamental aspects that are affecting the company. and at the same time its evaluation. To carry out this case study, root-cause analytical research methods were applied. This approach facilitated the determination of the factors that affect the customer satisfaction process, allowing us to understand at the same time the origin of the difficulties, through carrying out a basic technique such as a survey directed at customers, taking into account key assessment points that were evaluated through a questionnaire, in order to carry out a clear analysis of customer satisfaction after their purchase or acquisition of a service of repair and at the same time promote the implementation of strategies that improve these shortcomings.es_ES
dc.descriptionThis case study is based on the analysis of customer satisfaction in the Ghost Solutions Technical Service, a company dedicated to the sale of phone accessories and technical services for the repair and maintenance of electronic devices, through research techniques, to promote loyalty and improve reputation. As an important point for the execution of this case study, the little attention given to customer satisfaction by the employees of this company was taken into account, which is why we seek to analyze what are the fundamental aspects that are affecting the company. and at the same time its evaluation. To carry out this case study, root-cause analytical research methods were applied. This approach facilitated the determination of the factors that affect the customer satisfaction process, allowing us to understand at the same time the origin of the difficulties, through carrying out a basic technique such as a survey directed at customers, taking into account key assessment points that were evaluated through a questionnaire, in order to carry out a clear analysis of customer satisfaction after their purchase or acquisition of a service of repair and at the same time promote the implementation of strategies that improve these shortcomings.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente caso de estudio se basa en el análisis de la satisfacción del cliente en el servicio Técnico Ghost Solutions, empresa dedicada a la venta de accesorios para teléfonos y servicios técnicos de reparación y mantenimiento de dispositivos electrónicos, mediante técnicas de investigación, para impulsar la fidelidad y mejorar la reputación. Como punto importante para la ejecución de este caso de estudio se tomó en cuenta la poca atención brindada a la satisfacción de los clientes por parte de los empleados de esta empresa, por lo que se busca analizar cuáles son los aspectos fundamentales que están afectando la empresa y a la vez su valoración. Para la ejecución de este caso de estudio se aplicó métodos de investigación analítico causa-raíz, este enfoque facilito la determinación de los factores que afectan el proceso de satisfacción de los clientes, permitiendo comprender a la vez el origen de las dificultades, por medio de la realización de una técnica base como la encuesta dirigida a los clientes, tomando en referencia puntos clave de valoración que se valuaron mediante un cuestionario, con el fin de efectuar un análisis claro de la satisfacción del cliente luego de su compra o adquisición de algún servicio de reparación y a la vez fomentar la implementación de estrategias que mejoren esas falencias.es_ES
dc.format.extent38 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectSatisfacción del clientees_ES
dc.subjectFactores claveses_ES
dc.titleSatisfacción del cliente en el Servicio Técnico Ghost Solutions del cantón Babahoyo periodo 2023.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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