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dc.contributor.advisorGil Avilez, Rosendo Arnaldo
dc.contributor.authorMedina Aguiño, Abraham Josué
dc.descriptionThis document concerns the case study of user satisfaction of the Public Company Land Terminal Transit and Road Safety whose purpose is based on identifying which are the problems that affect or satisfy the needs of the users, being an entity that provides service it is necessary to know how to give unique experiences to its clients, giving a quality service with effectiveness and efficiency, the fundamental objective of this work was to analyze the level of satisfaction of the users of the "Public Company Land Terminal". To carry out this case study, the quantitative and qualitative method was used, applying structured interviews and applying the different techniques such as surveys with the necessary instruments to carry out the methodological framework. The results obtained from the surveys and interviews provided results that showed a somewhat considerable satisfaction rate among users, with which various opinions of the service were reported. The main complaints that remain as a record are the difficulty of accessing the services due to the infrastructure that is not in optimal conditions, the response time to solve problems, the attitude and kindness of the staff and the courtesy of the information provided by its collaborators are efficient but for users they are average. To address these problems, several measures are recommended that could help with the effectiveness of the institution, such as implementing a management system to address problems and make it more efficient, hiring and training more staff. It is also essential to unify and attach information online and consider the introduction of digital tools to speed up procedures. These actions, if implemented correctly, can significantly improve user satisfaction and the perception of the service of the Public Company Terminal Terrestre Tránsito Y Seguridad Vial del cantón Babahoyo.es_ES
dc.descriptionThis document concerns the case study of user satisfaction of the Public Company Land Terminal Transit and Road Safety whose purpose is based on identifying which are the problems that affect or satisfy the needs of the users, being an entity that provides service it is necessary to know how to give unique experiences to its clients, giving a quality service with effectiveness and efficiency, the fundamental objective of this work was to analyze the level of satisfaction of the users of the "Public Company Land Terminal". To carry out this case study, the quantitative and qualitative method was used, applying structured interviews and applying the different techniques such as surveys with the necessary instruments to carry out the methodological framework. The results obtained from the surveys and interviews provided results that showed a somewhat considerable satisfaction rate among users, with which various opinions of the service were reported. The main complaints that remain as a record are the difficulty of accessing the services due to the infrastructure that is not in optimal conditions, the response time to solve problems, the attitude and kindness of the staff and the courtesy of the information provided by its collaborators are efficient but for users they are average. To address these problems, several measures are recommended that could help with the effectiveness of the institution, such as implementing a management system to address problems and make it more efficient, hiring and training more staff. It is also essential to unify and attach information online and consider the introduction of digital tools to speed up procedures. These actions, if implemented correctly, can significantly improve user satisfaction and the perception of the service of the Public Company Terminal Terrestre Tránsito Y Seguridad Vial del cantón Babahoyo.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente documento concerniente al estudio de caso satisfacción del usuario de Empresa Pública Terminal Terrestre Tránsito Y Seguridad Vial cuyo propósito es basado en identificar cuáles son los problemas que afectan o que satisfacen las necesidades de los usuarios, al ser una entidad que brinda servicio es necesario conocer como otorgarles experiencias únicas a sus clientes, dando un servicio de calidad con eficacia y eficiencia, el objetivo fundamental de este trabajo fue analizar el nivel de satisfacción de los usuario de la “Empresa Publica Terminal terrestre”. Para llevar a cabo este caso de estudio se utilizó el método cuantitativo y cualitativo, aplicando entrevistas estructuradas y aplicando las diferentes técnicas como encuestas con los instrumentos necesarios para llevar a cabo el marco metodológico. Los resultados obtenidos de las encuestas y entrevistas proporcionaron resultados donde se mostraron una tasa de satisfacción un poco considerable entre los usuarios, con lo cual se reportó diversas opiniones del servicio, las principales quejas del cual queda como registro son la dificultad del acceso a los servicio por la infraestructura que no se encuentran en condiciones óptimas, el tiempo de respuesta para resolver problemas, la actitud y la amabilidad del personal y la cortesía de la información que brindan sus colaboradores son eficientes pero para los usuarios son regular. Para abordar estos problemas, se recomienda varias medidas que podrían ayudar con la eficacia de la institución, como implementar un sistema de gestión para abordar problemas y que este sea más eficiente, contratar y capacitar más personal. También es esencial unificar y la información anexada en línea y considerar la introducción de herramientas digitales para agilizar los trámites, estas acciones si se implementan correctamente, pueden mejorar significativamente la satisfacción de los usuarios y la percepción del servicio de la Empresa Pública Terminal Terrestre Tránsito Y Seguridad Vial del cantón Babahoyo.es_ES
dc.format.extent56 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.titleSatisfacción del usuario de la Empresa Pública Terminal Terrestre Tránsito y Seguridad vial del cantón Babahoyo provincia de Los Ríos, del periodo 2023.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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