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dc.contributor.advisorMenoscal Verdesoto, Geovanny Washington
dc.contributor.authorGonzales Cando, Danny Alberto
dc.descriptionThe case study conducted at the Colombatti company, whose objective is to analyze the level of customer satisfaction, focused on evaluating the sales process, customer service and overall customer satisfaction. Through interviews and surveys, several deficiencies in sales management and customer service were identified. The problems of the study focused on Colombatti's sales process and customer service, which were deficient and disorganized. The lack of a standardized and efficient sales process led to inconsistencies and inadequate follow-up on sales opportunities. In addition, the absence of strategies to identify and classify customers negatively affected service. Informal interactions dependent on the personal style of each salesperson generated inconsistent experiences. Reactive and disorganized complaint handling increased customer dissatisfaction and loss of loyalty. The results of the study showed that, although some aspects such as staff knowledge and product quality were perceived positively, there were critical areas for improvement. These areas included staff training, product quality control, after-sales service and the overall shopping experience. It was concluded that the lack of adequate staff organization and training, along with the lack of a standardized sales process, were the main factors contributing to low customer satisfaction and lost sales opportunities at Colombatti during 2023. Addressing these areas for improvement is essential to increase customer satisfaction, improve the efficiency of the sales process and strengthen the company's competitive position.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe case study conducted at the Colombatti company, whose objective is to analyze the level of customer satisfaction, focused on evaluating the sales process, customer service and overall customer satisfaction. Through interviews and surveys, several deficiencies in sales management and customer service were identified. The problems of the study focused on Colombatti's sales process and customer service, which were deficient and disorganized. The lack of a standardized and efficient sales process led to inconsistencies and inadequate follow-up on sales opportunities. In addition, the absence of strategies to identify and classify customers negatively affected service. Informal interactions dependent on the personal style of each salesperson generated inconsistent experiences. Reactive and disorganized complaint handling increased customer dissatisfaction and loss of loyalty. The results of the study showed that, although some aspects such as staff knowledge and product quality were perceived positively, there were critical areas for improvement. These areas included staff training, product quality control, after-sales service and the overall shopping experience. It was concluded that the lack of adequate staff organization and training, along with the lack of a standardized sales process, were the main factors contributing to low customer satisfaction and lost sales opportunities at Colombatti during 2023. Addressing these areas for improvement is essential to increase customer satisfaction, improve the efficiency of the sales process and strengthen the company's competitive position.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl estudio de caso realizado en la empresa Colombatti cuyo objetivo es analizar el nivel de satisfacción del cliente, se centró en evaluar el proceso de ventas, la atención al cliente y la satisfacción general de los clientes. A través de entrevistas y encuestas, se identificaron diversas deficiencias en el manejo de las ventas y el servicio al cliente. Las problemáticas del estudio se enfocaron en el proceso de ventas y la atención al cliente en Colombatti los cuales eran deficientes y desorganizados. La falta de un proceso de ventas estandarizado y eficiente provocó inconsistencias y un seguimiento inadecuado de oportunidades de venta. Además, la ausencia de estrategias para identificar y clasificar a los clientes afectó negativamente el servicio. Las interacciones informales y dependientes del estilo personal de cada vendedor generaron experiencias inconsistentes. La gestión reactiva y desorganizada de quejas aumentó la insatisfacción y pérdida de lealtad de los clientes. Los resultados del estudio mostraron que, aunque algunos aspectos como el conocimiento del personal y la calidad del producto fueron percibidos positivamente, había áreas críticas de mejora. Estas áreas incluyen la capacitación del personal, control de calidad de productos, servicio postventa y la experiencia general de compra. Se concluyó que la falta de organización y capacitación adecuada del personal, junto con la falta de un proceso de ventas estandarizado, fueron los principales factores que contribuyeron a la baja satisfacción del cliente y la pérdida de oportunidades de venta en Colombatti durante 2023. Abordar estas áreas de mejora es esencial para aumentar la satisfacción del cliente, mejorar la eficiencia del proceso de ventas y fortalecer la posición competitiva de la empresa.es_ES
dc.format.extent42 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.titleSatisfacción al cliente de la Empresa Colombatti en la ciudad de Babahoyo, periodo 2023.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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