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dc.contributor.advisorLCDA. MAYRA DUARTE MGS.
dc.descriptionThe present investigation was carried out at the facilities of Radio Rey Televisión, located in the Quevedo Canton, province of Los Ríos, considering the Quevedo deaf-mute association as the population, with the objective of establishing the incidence of sign language in the television of the Quevedo canton, as an information resource in the process of teaching sign language when broadcasting information. Language is known as the ability that human beings acquire to express their knowledge, thoughts and feelings through words, however, there is a large percentage of the population that cannot express their ideas through words, since They have some hearing disability that allows them to carry out this function. For there to be a correct development and much greater inclusion for people with hearing disabilities, it is necessary that from education, both teachers and students have prior knowledge about sign language, which is why, especially teachers, must train and perform basic communication skills in sign language, thus, students who have reduced hearing will have support in the classroom that will give them the opportunity to express their knowledge, thoughts and ideas without feeling excluded. Technology worldwide has always been an important part of society and education, it has evolved by leaps and bounds and has contributed to all the professions in which human beings operate, in a satisfactory way, thanks to technology, the individual has experienced new ways of learning, new knowledge, managing to obtain satisfactory learning, to acquire new habits, attitudes and values that allow living in a fair and advanced society, and thus raise the academic level in the teaching-learning process. through the application of new teaching methods and techniques, so that the subject can enrich their personal and professional training.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe present investigation was carried out at the facilities of Radio Rey Televisión, located in the Quevedo Canton, province of Los Ríos, considering the Quevedo deaf-mute association as the population, with the objective of establishing the incidence of sign language in the television of the Quevedo canton, as an information resource in the process of teaching sign language when broadcasting information. Language is known as the ability that human beings acquire to express their knowledge, thoughts and feelings through words, however, there is a large percentage of the population that cannot express their ideas through words, since They have some hearing disability that allows them to carry out this function. For there to be a correct development and much greater inclusion for people with hearing disabilities, it is necessary that from education, both teachers and students have prior knowledge about sign language, which is why, especially teachers, must train and perform basic communication skills in sign language, thus, students who have reduced hearing will have support in the classroom that will give them the opportunity to express their knowledge, thoughts and ideas without feeling excluded. Technology worldwide has always been an important part of society and education, it has evolved by leaps and bounds and has contributed to all the professions in which human beings operate, in a satisfactory way, thanks to technology, the individual has experienced new ways of learning, new knowledge, managing to obtain satisfactory learning, to acquire new habits, attitudes and values that allow living in a fair and advanced society, and thus raise the academic level in the teaching-learning process. through the application of new teaching methods and techniques, so that the subject can enrich their personal and professional training.es_ES
dc.description.abstractRESUMEN La presente investigación se llevó a cabo en las instalaciones de Radio Rey Televisión, ubicada en el Cantón Quevedo, provincia de los Ríos, considerando como población a la asociación de sordo mudos de Quevedo, teniendo como objetivo establecer la incidencia del lenguaje de señas en la televisión del cantón Quevedo, como recurso informativo en proceso de enseñanza del lenguaje de señas a la hora de emitir la información. Se conoce al lenguaje como la capacidad que adquieren los seres humanos para expresar sus conocimientos, pensamientos y sentimientos a través de la palabra, sin embargo, hay un gran porcentaje de la población que no puede expresar sus ideas por medio de la palabra, ya que cuentan con alguna discapacidad auditiva que nos les permite llevar a cabo esta función. Para que haya un correcto desarrollo y una inclusión mucho mayor para las personas con discapacidad auditiva, es necesario que desde la educación, tanto docentes como estudiantes, tengan conocimientos previos sobre el lenguaje de señas, es por esto que, en especial los docentes, deben capacitarse y desempeñar destrezas de comunicación básica en lenguaje de señas, así, los estudiantes que cuentan con audición reducida, contarán con un apoyo en el aula de clase que les dará la oportunidad de expresar sus conocimientos, pensamientos e ideas sin sentirse excluidos. La tecnología a nivel mundial, siempre ha sido parte importante dentro de la sociedad y de la educación, está a evolucionado a pasos agigantados y ha contribuido en todas las profesiones en las que se desenvuelve el ser humano, de una manera satisfactoria, gracias a la tecnología el individuo ha experimentado nuevas formas de aprender, nuevos conocimientos, logrando obtener un aprendizaje satisfactorio, para adquirir nuevos hábitos actitudes y valores que permiten convivir en una sociedad justa y avanzada, y así elevar el nivel académico en el proceso de enseñanza – aprendizaje a través de la aplicación de nuevos métodos y técnicas de enseñanza, para que el sujeto pueda enriquecer su formación personal y profesional.es_ES
dc.format.extent48 p.es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subject.otherCOMUNICACIÓN SOCIALes_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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