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dc.contributor.advisorOcampo Ulloa, Wendy Lorena
dc.contributor.authorCedeño Vargas, Rissoly Elizabeth
dc.descriptionThe present case study was carried out in Agrochemicals Su Economía of the Babahoyo Canton, which aims to analyze the marketing management of Agrochemicals in the period 2023, applying research techniques that allowed us to provide recommendations that help the company in question to position itself strategically. in the market. The use of the descriptive research method with a qualitative and quantitative approach was used to detail the study variable and therefore the respective problem, the collection of information was carried out through techniques such as a survey with the instrument of a structured questionnaire in a format of 8 closed questions and the SWOT matrix with the 9 quadrant design. In the same way, the relevant theoretical bases were considered with the authors' expressions about marketing management, benefits, importance, customer, satisfaction, etc. Since it is essential for companies to establish efficient communication mechanisms to learn more about customers and their preferences, thus obtaining loyalty opportunities. Thus, Agrochemicals Su Economía, given the lack of personalization services and promotion of its products, must take advantage of digital marketing as a strategy and mechanism to learn more about its customers, promoting the products it offers and thus avoiding shortcomings in performance and positioning.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe present case study was carried out in Agrochemicals Su Economía of the Babahoyo Canton, which aims to analyze the marketing management of Agrochemicals in the period 2023, applying research techniques that allowed us to provide recommendations that help the company in question to position itself strategically. in the market. The use of the descriptive research method with a qualitative and quantitative approach was used to detail the study variable and therefore the respective problem, the collection of information was carried out through techniques such as a survey with the instrument of a structured questionnaire in a format of 8 closed questions and the SWOT matrix with the 9 quadrant design. In the same way, the relevant theoretical bases were considered with the authors' expressions about marketing management, benefits, importance, customer, satisfaction, etc. Since it is essential for companies to establish efficient communication mechanisms to learn more about customers and their preferences, thus obtaining loyalty opportunities. Thus, Agrochemicals Su Economía, given the lack of personalization services and promotion of its products, must take advantage of digital marketing as a strategy and mechanism to learn more about its customers, promoting the products it offers and thus avoiding shortcomings in performance and positioning.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente estudio de caso se realizó en Agroquímicos Su Economía del Cantón Babahoyo, el cual tiene por objetivo analizar la gestión del marketing de Agroquímicos en el periodo 2023, aplicando técnicas de investigación que permitieron dar recomendaciones que ayuden a la empresa en mención a posicionarse estratégicamente en el mercado. Se empleó el uso del método de investigación descriptivo con enfoque cualitativo y cuantitativo para detallar la variable del estudio y por ende la respectiva problemática, la recopilación de información se ejecutó a través de las técnicas como encuesta con el instrumento de un cuestionario estructurado en un formato de 8 preguntas cerradas y la matriz FODA con el diseño de 9 cuadrantes. De la misma manera se consideraron las bases teóricas pertinentes con las expresiones de los autores sobre la gestión del marketing, beneficios, importancia, cliente, satisfacción etc. Dado que es indispensable para las empresas establecer los mecanismos de comunicación eficientes para conocer mas sobre los clientes y sus preferencias, obteniendo así oportunidades de fidelización. Es así que Agroquímicos Su Economía dada la carencia de servicios personalización e impulso sobre sus productos en la utilización del marketing digital debe aprovechar como estrategia y mecanismo para conocer más a sus clientes promocionando los productos que ofrece y evitando de esta manera las falencias en rendimiento y posicionamiento.es_ES
dc.format.extent47 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.titleGestión del marketing de Agroquímicos "Su Economía" en la Parroquia Mata De Cacao del cantón Babahoyo periodo 2023.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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