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dc.contributor.advisorCaicedo Flores, Jorge José
dc.contributor.authorAndaluz Clavijo, Teddy Israel
dc.descriptionThe implementation of the following case study is based on the Administrative Management of the “Paulo Freire” Development Foundation of the city of Babahoyo for the period 2023, with which the deficiencies that exist in the administrative process have been identified, which It has directly affected the operation of the institution, affecting its growth in economic terms and efficiency in services; This has been reflected in the company's environment, with the managers, administrative staff and teaching staff who work in the institution, creating a work environment that is often tense, an administrative process with deficiencies that distort the image that the institution has, for example. which does not adequately reflect their level of competitiveness in the market and attention to customers or users. In this study, a survey was carried out on all the personnel that make up the company, from managers to teaching staff who work at the “Paulo Freire” Development Foundation, through which information and data have been collected that demonstrate compliance. of the objectives raised in this study, which allowed carrying out an analysis of the management and knowing the current situation of the institution, in order to determine the aspects that are related to these themes for their assessment and prompt application in the institution.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe implementation of the following case study is based on the Administrative Management of the “Paulo Freire” Development Foundation of the city of Babahoyo for the period 2023, with which the deficiencies that exist in the administrative process have been identified, which It has directly affected the operation of the institution, affecting its growth in economic terms and efficiency in services; This has been reflected in the company's environment, with the managers, administrative staff and teaching staff who work in the institution, creating a work environment that is often tense, an administrative process with deficiencies that distort the image that the institution has, for example. which does not adequately reflect their level of competitiveness in the market and attention to customers or users. In this study, a survey was carried out on all the personnel that make up the company, from managers to teaching staff who work at the “Paulo Freire” Development Foundation, through which information and data have been collected that demonstrate compliance. of the objectives raised in this study, which allowed carrying out an analysis of the management and knowing the current situation of the institution, in order to determine the aspects that are related to these themes for their assessment and prompt application in the institution.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa realización del siguiente caso de estudio se basa en la Gestión Administrativa de la Fundación para el Desarrollo “Paulo Freire” de la ciudad de Babahoyo del periodo 2023, con el cual se ha identificado las falencias que existen en el proceso administrativo, lo cual ha afectado directamente en el funcionamiento de la institución, afectando en su crecimiento en términos económicos y de eficiencia en servicios; esto se ha visto reflejado en el entorno de la empresa, con los directivos, personal administrativo y personal docente que labora en la institución, creando un ambiente laboral muchas veces tenso, un proceso administrativo con deficiencias que distorsionan la imagen que tiene la institución, por lo que no se refleja de manera adecuada su nivel de competitividad en el mercado y la atención a los clientes o usuarios. En este estudio se realizó una encuesta a todo el personal que conforman la empresa, desde directivos hasta personal docente que labora en la Fundación para el Desarrollo “Paulo Freire” y su proyecto educativo “Escuela de Educación Básica Mahatma Gandhi”, por medio de la cual se ha recopilado información y datos que evidencian el cumplimiento de los objetivos planteados en este estudio, los cuales permitieron llevar a cabo un análisis a la gestión y conocer la situación actual de la institución, para así, determinar los aspectos que se encuentran relacionados con estas temáticas para su valoración y pronta aplicación en la institución.es_ES
dc.format.extent45 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectAmbiente Laborales_ES
dc.titleGestión administrativa de la Fundación de Desarrollo “Paulo Freire” del cantón Babahoyo provincia de los Ríos, del periodo 2023.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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