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dc.contributor.advisorLedesma Álvarez, Gerson Damacio
dc.contributor.authorMorante Rodríguez, Manuel Adolfo
dc.descriptionThe present study evaluates the feasibility of implementing an automated system for administrative and financial control in the "San Vicente de la Tranca" Agricultural Production Cooperative. The justification of the topic is based on the current situation of the cooperative, which depends on manual methods for its administrative and financial management. This dependency causes operational inefficiencies, human errors, duplication of tasks and difficulties in monitoring activities. These deficiencies negatively impact the quality of services and member satisfaction. The main thing is to carry out a feasibility study that allows for a detailed analysis of the current administrative and financial processes, identifying areas for improvement and proposing an automated system that optimizes the operation of the cooperative, increases transparency and improves decision making. The methodology used is qualitative, it includes the collection of data through interviews with the representative of the cooperative, which will allow obtaining a deep knowledge of the needs and expectations of the potential users of the system. The results of the study show that the cooperative does not use any computer system and that all records are kept manually, which limits efficiency and increases the risk of errors. Implementing an automated system is essential to overcome current deficiencies. This system will not only improve operational efficiency and accuracy in inventory management, but will also increase financial transparency and responsiveness to market demands, facilitating more effective and sustainable administration.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe present study evaluates the feasibility of implementing an automated system for administrative and financial control in the "San Vicente de la Tranca" Agricultural Production Cooperative. The justification of the topic is based on the current situation of the cooperative, which depends on manual methods for its administrative and financial management. This dependency causes operational inefficiencies, human errors, duplication of tasks and difficulties in monitoring activities. These deficiencies negatively impact the quality of services and member satisfaction. The main thing is to carry out a feasibility study that allows for a detailed analysis of the current administrative and financial processes, identifying areas for improvement and proposing an automated system that optimizes the operation of the cooperative, increases transparency and improves decision making. The methodology used is qualitative, it includes the collection of data through interviews with the representative of the cooperative, which will allow obtaining a deep knowledge of the needs and expectations of the potential users of the system. The results of the study show that the cooperative does not use any computer system and that all records are kept manually, which limits efficiency and increases the risk of errors. Implementing an automated system is essential to overcome current deficiencies. This system will not only improve operational efficiency and accuracy in inventory management, but will also increase financial transparency and responsiveness to market demands, facilitating more effective and sustainable administration.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente estudio evalúa la factibilidad de implementar un sistema automatizado para el control administrativo y financiero en la Cooperativa de Producción Agropecuaria "San Vicente de la Tranca". La justificación del tema se basa en la situación actual de la cooperativa, que depende de métodos manuales para su gestión administrativa y financiera. Esta dependencia provoca ineficiencias operativas, errores humanos, duplicación de tareas y dificultades en el seguimiento de actividades. Estas deficiencias impactan negativamente en la calidad de los servicios y en la satisfacción de los miembros. Lo principal es realizar un estudio de factibilidad que permita analizar detalladamente los procesos administrativos y financieros actuales, identificar áreas de mejora y proponer un sistema automatizado que optimice el funcionamiento de la cooperativa, aumente la transparencia y mejore la toma de decisiones. La metodología utilizada es cualitativa, incluye la recolección de datos a través de entrevista con el representante de la cooperativa, lo cual permitirá obtener un conocimiento profundo de las necesidades y expectativas de los potenciales usuarios del sistema. Los resultados del estudio muestran que la cooperativa no utiliza ningún sistema informático y que todos los registros se llevan manualmente, lo que limita la eficiencia y aumenta el riesgo de errores. Implementar un sistema automatizado es esencial para superar las deficiencias actuales. Este sistema no solo mejorará la eficiencia operativa y la precisión en la gestión de inventarios, sino que también aumentará la transparencia financiera y la capacidad de respuesta a las demandas del mercado, facilitando una administración más eficaz y sostenible.es_ES
dc.format.extent40 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBabahoyo: UTB-FAFI. 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.titleEstudio de factibilidad de un sistema para el control administrativo y financiero de la Cooperativa de Producción agrícola “San Vicente de la tranca”es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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