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dc.contributor.advisorCedeño Loja, Pedro Emilio
dc.contributor.authorBarco Cabezas, Asly Sadith
dc.descriptionD. saccharalis known as the sugarcane stem borer S. officinarum caused damage throughout the growth of the crop. Its attack is reported from the seed where it produces a decrease in germination, produces its non-viability, and when it attacks medium to large sized plants it produces dead buds, in addition to producing reduced growth and broken stems and reduced growth. The damage caused by the larva of D. saccharalis is of direct and indirect action since they feed on the stems by boring them and producing galleries inside them, preventing the transport of nutrients. Each 1% of the internodes drilled causes losses of 1.50% in stem productivity. However, biological control through the use of the microparasitoid C. flavipes is reported in all sugarcane producing parts. This insect being the most effective and viable control. The objective of this work is to indicate the biology of C. flavipes in the stem borer D. saccharalis and to determine the parasitoid action of C. flavipes. D. saccharalis is an insect that goes through the stages of egg, larva, pupa and adult, with the larval stage being the one that causes the damage. The best way to control D. saccharalis is biological control through releases of C. flavipes in sugarcane crops. Its release in the field registers attacks close to 70% by the micro wasp C. flavipes. It is also emphasized that environmental factors play a fundamental role in the release and dispersal of C. favipes parasitoids.es_ES
dc.descriptionD. saccharalis known as the sugarcane stem borer S. officinarum caused damage throughout the growth of the crop. Its attack is reported from the seed where it produces a decrease in germination, produces its non-viability, and when it attacks medium to large sized plants it produces dead buds, in addition to producing reduced growth and broken stems and reduced growth. The damage caused by the larva of D. saccharalis is of direct and indirect action since they feed on the stems by boring them and producing galleries inside them, preventing the transport of nutrients. Each 1% of the internodes drilled causes losses of 1.50% in stem productivity. However, biological control through the use of the microparasitoid C. flavipes is reported in all sugarcane producing parts. This insect being the most effective and viable control. The objective of this work is to indicate the biology of C. flavipes in the stem borer D. saccharalis and to determine the parasitoid action of C. flavipes. D. saccharalis is an insect that goes through the stages of egg, larva, pupa and adult, with the larval stage being the one that causes the damage. The best way to control D. saccharalis is biological control through releases of C. flavipes in sugarcane crops. Its release in the field registers attacks close to 70% by the micro wasp C. flavipes. It is also emphasized that environmental factors play a fundamental role in the release and dispersal of C. favipes parasitoids.es_ES
dc.description.abstractD. saccharalis conocido como el barrenador del tallo de la caña de azúcar S. officinarum causada daño a lo largo del crecimiento del cultivo. Su ataque es reportado desde la semilla donde produce disminución de la germinación, produce su inviabilidad, y cuando ataca platas de tamaño mediano a grande produce cogollos muertos, además, de producir reducción del crecimiento y tallos quebrados y crecimiento reducido. El daño es ocasionado por la larva de D. saccharalis es de acción directa e indirecta ya que se alimentan de los tallos barrenándolos y produce galerías en su interior, impiden el transporte de nutrientes. Cada 1 % de los entrenudos barrenados provoca pérdidas del 1,50 % en la productividad del tallo. Sim embargo, el control biológico mediante el uso del micro parasitoide C. flavipes es reportado en todas las partes productoras de caña. Siendo este insecto el control más efectivo y viable. El objetivo de este trabajo es, indicar la biología de C. flavipes en el barrenador del tallo D. saccharalis y determinar la acción de parasitoidismo de C. flavipes. D. saccharalis es un insecto que pasa por los estados de huevo, larva, pupa y adulto, siendo que el estado larval es el que causa el daño. El mejor para control D. saccharalis es el control biológico mediante liberaciones de C. flavipes en cultivos de caña de azúcar. Su liberación en campo registra ataques próximos al 70% por la micro avispa C. flavipes, Además se hace hincapié que los factores ambientales juegan un papel fundamental a la hora de la liberación y dispersión de los parasitoides de C. favipeses_ES
dc.format.extent18 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2024es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectControl biológicoes_ES
dc.titleAspectos biológicos de Cotesia flavipes Camerom como agente de control biológico del barrenador del tallo Diatraea saccharalis Fabricius en el cultivo de caña de azúcar.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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