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dc.contributor.advisorGoyes Cabezas, Víctor Julio
dc.contributor.authorMURRIETA DIAZ, JOSE DANIEL
dc.descriptionThe most important whitefly in the radish crop is Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius, 1889), which causes damage by sucking the sap from the plants, weakening them and causing their death, as well as transmitting viral diseases. The information was collected through the technique of analysis, synthesis and summary in order to inform the reader about the main means of control of whitefly (B. tabaci Gennadius, 1889) in the cultivation of radish (R. sativus). From the above, it was determined that the direct damage is caused by nymphs and adults causing the appearance of chlorotic spots on the radish plant, affecting its growth and subsequently causing its death. The greatest damage is due to the ability to transmit viral diseases (nymphs are also capable of acquiring the virus) and B. tabaci is considered the most common and economically important virus vector internationally. Cultural practices for the control of B. tabaci are as follows: live barriers, high planting densities, plastic mulches and trap crops, which contribute to the reduction of pest insect populations. The use of yellow sticky traps allows the reduction of pest populations and the application of insecticides; however, it must be taken into account that in these traps it is also possible to locate biological controllers, particularly parasitoid wasps. The parasitoid most commonly applied through periodic releases is the species Encarsia formosa; this parasitoid only produces females, which is an advantage, since each one released has the capacity to parasitize whitefly nymphs and pupae. The application of Abacmectin at a dose of 3 cm3 per liter of water is recommended for the control of B. tabaci within the radish crop, being more effective and economically more feasible.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe most important whitefly in the radish crop is Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius, 1889), which causes damage by sucking the sap from the plants, weakening them and causing their death, as well as transmitting viral diseases. The information was collected through the technique of analysis, synthesis and summary in order to inform the reader about the main means of control of whitefly (B. tabaci Gennadius, 1889) in the cultivation of radish (R. sativus). From the above, it was determined that the direct damage is caused by nymphs and adults causing the appearance of chlorotic spots on the radish plant, affecting its growth and subsequently causing its death. The greatest damage is due to the ability to transmit viral diseases (nymphs are also capable of acquiring the virus) and B. tabaci is considered the most common and economically important virus vector internationally. Cultural practices for the control of B. tabaci are as follows: live barriers, high planting densities, plastic mulches and trap crops, which contribute to the reduction of pest insect populations. The use of yellow sticky traps allows the reduction of pest populations and the application of insecticides; however, it must be taken into account that in these traps it is also possible to locate biological controllers, particularly parasitoid wasps. The parasitoid most commonly applied through periodic releases is the species Encarsia formosa; this parasitoid only produces females, which is an advantage, since each one released has the capacity to parasitize whitefly nymphs and pupae. The application of Abacmectin at a dose of 3 cm3 per liter of water is recommended for the control of B. tabaci within the radish crop, being more effective and economically more feasible.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa mosca blanca de mayor importancia en el cultivo de rábano es Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius, 1889), la misma que causa daños al succionar la savia de las plantas, debilitándolas causando su muerte, así mismo son transmisoras de enfermedades virales. La información fue recolectada mediante la técnica de análisis, síntesis y resumen con la finalidad de que el lector conozca sobre los principales medios de control de mosca blanca (B. tabaci Gennadius, 1889) en el cultivo de rábano (R. sativus). Por lo anteriormente detallado se logró determinar que el daño directo lo ocasionan las ninfas y adultos provocando la aparición de manchas cloróticas en la planta de rábano afectando su crecimiento y posteriormente causando su muerte. El mayor daño se debe a la capacidad de transmitir enfermedades virales (las ninfas también son capaces de adquirir el virus) y B. tabaci se considera el vector de virus más común y económicamente importante a nivel internacional. Las prácticas culturales para el control de B. tabaci son las siguientes: barreras vivas, altas densidades de siembra, coberturas con plásticos y cultivos trampas, que contribuyen en la disminución de las poblaciones del insecto plaga. El uso de trampas adhesivas amarillas permite reducir las poblaciones de plagas y la aplicación de insecticidas; sin embargo, hay que tener en cuenta que en esas trampas también es posible localizar controladores biológicos, en particular avispas parasitoides. El parasitoide más aplicado mediante liberaciones periódicas es la especie Encarsia formosa; este parasitoide sólo produce hembras, lo que es una ventaja, ya que cada una de las liberadas tiene la capacidad de parasitar ninfas y pupas de mosca blanca. La aplicación de Abacmectina en dosis de 3 cm3 por litro de agua es recomendable para el control de B. tabaci dentro del cultivo de rábano, siendo más efectivo y económicamente más factible.es_ES
dc.format.extent22 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2023es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectManejo, Mosca Blanca, Población, Daños, Hortalizaes_ES
dc.titlePrincipales medios de control de mosca blanca (Bemisia tabaci Gennadius, 1889) en el cultivo de rábano (Raphanus sativus).es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
Excepto si se señala otra cosa, la licencia del ítem se describe como Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador