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dc.contributor.advisorTorres Navarrete, Rumania Alexandra
dc.contributor.authorGonzales Castro Nathaly Juletsy
dc.descriptionThe present research work was carried out in the pyramid tourist complex that is located in the Los Angeles parish of the Ventanas canton with the purpose of elaborating a marketing plan according to the needs that arise. The diagnosis of the needs and expectations of the tourist, and the design of marketing strategies were proposed as objectives. For this, the survey technique was applied, which included a questionnaire with open and closed questions. The surveys were carried out on 80 visitors to the complex during a weekend. Among the results obtained, it was evidenced that the target market of the complex is the groups of families that live in the parish and its surroundings; Regarding the attributes that the tourist considers when making the decision to visit, there is the location, food and security. 58% of tourists spend an average of more than $20 dollars in the complex, since they also consume the food and snack service. Finally, based on the diagnosis, marketing strategies were proposed in order to enhance the attractiveness by creating creative and innovative content, implementing new activities to take advantage of the resources that the complex possesses, thus generating new employment rates and an increase in economic income.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe present research work was carried out in the pyramid tourist complex that is located in the Los Angeles parish of the Ventanas canton with the purpose of elaborating a marketing plan according to the needs that arise. The diagnosis of the needs and expectations of the tourist, and the design of marketing strategies were proposed as objectives. For this, the survey technique was applied, which included a questionnaire with open and closed questions. The surveys were carried out on 80 visitors to the complex during a weekend. Among the results obtained, it was evidenced that the target market of the complex is the groups of families that live in the parish and its surroundings; Regarding the attributes that the tourist considers when making the decision to visit, there is the location, food and security. 58% of tourists spend an average of more than $20 dollars in the complex, since they also consume the food and snack service. Finally, based on the diagnosis, marketing strategies were proposed in order to enhance the attractiveness by creating creative and innovative content, implementing new activities to take advantage of the resources that the complex possesses, thus generating new employment rates and an increase in economic income.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente trabajo de investigación se realizó en el complejo turístico la pirámide que se encuentra ubicado en la parroquia de Los Ángeles del cantón ventanas con la finalidad de elaborar un plan de marketing de acuerdo con las necesidades que se presenten. Se planteo como objetivos el diagnostico de las necesidades y expectativas del turista, y diseñar estrategias de marketing. Para ello se aplicó la técnica de la encuesta la misma que comprendía de un cuestionario con preguntas abiertas y cerradas. Las encuestas se realizaron a 80 visitantes al complejo durante un fin de semana. Entre los resultados obtenidos se evidencio que el mercado objetivo del complejo son los grupos de familias que habitan en la parroquia y sus alrededores; en cuanto a los atributos que el turista considera al momento de tomar la decisión de visita esta la ubicación, alimentación y seguridad. El 58% de los turistas gastan en promedio más de $20 dólares en el complejo, ya que también consumen el servicio de alimentación y de snack. Finalmente, a partir del diagnóstico se plantearon estrategias de marketing con la finalidad de potenciar el atractivo creando contenido creativo e innovador, implementando nuevas actividades para el aprovechando de los recursos que el complejo posee, generando así nuevas tasas de empleo y un aumento de ingresos económicos.es_ES
dc.format.extent37 Pes_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectComplejo Turísticoes_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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