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dc.contributor.advisorMora Castro, Oscar
dc.contributor.authorArevalo Coello, Pedro Fernando
dc.descriptionBanana cultivation is one of the largest economic items in Ecuador, since the country is the main exporter worldwide, this crop, like others, is not exempt from the attack of agricultural pests, among them the attack of weeds that causes 13% decline in global agricultural production. One of the tools in the control of weeds in banana cultivation are herbicides, which are chemical synthesis products that affect the normal functioning of the target plants. They are effective tools, but with inadequate application practices they could fall into disuse in the long term. The knowledge of the physical-chemical characteristics that determine the physiology of the pesticide in the plant and its interaction with the environment and the mechanism of action of these chemical products are of important knowledge in order to have an effective and sustainable tool.es_ES
dc.descriptionBanana cultivation is one of the largest economic items in Ecuador, since the country is the main exporter worldwide, this crop, like others, is not exempt from the attack of agricultural pests, among them the attack of weeds that causes 13% decline in global agricultural production. One of the tools in the control of weeds in banana cultivation are herbicides, which are chemical synthesis products that affect the normal functioning of the target plants. They are effective tools, but with inadequate application practices they could fall into disuse in the long term. The knowledge of the physical-chemical characteristics that determine the physiology of the pesticide in the plant and its interaction with the environment and the mechanism of action of these chemical products are of important knowledge in order to have an effective and sustainable tool.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl cultivo de banano es uno de los mayores rubros económicos del Ecuador, ya que el país es el principal exportador a nivel mundial este cultivo al igual que otros no es exento del ataque de plagas agrícolas entre ellas el ataque de malezas que provoca un 13% de merma en la producción agrícola mundial. Una de las herramientas en el control de malezas en el cultivo de banano son los herbicidas, que son productos de síntesis química que afectan el normal funcionamiento de las plantas objetivos. Son herramientas eficaces, pero que con inadecuadas prácticas de aplicación podrían quedar en desuso a largo plazo. El conocimiento de las características físico-químicas que determinan la fisiología del plaguicida en la planta y su interacción con el ambiente y el mecanismo de acción de estos productos químicos son de importante conocimiento para poder tener una herramienta tanto eficaz como sustentable.es_ES
dc.format.extent18 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2022es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectSíntesis químicaes_ES
dc.titleFisiología y mecanismos de acción de herbicidas utilizados en el control de malezas del cultivo de banano (Musa AAA) en Ecuador.es_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador
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