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dc.contributor.advisorJácome Lara, Georgina
dc.contributor.authorMaigua Oñate, Adonis Nahin
dc.descriptionThe objective of this research work was to know the Innovation Management of Warehouse Regalías, located in the Canton Ventanas, Province of Los Ríos, from the implementation of innovative ideas, basically in technology that helps to optimize its administrative process with the use of a software in the inventory to keep chronological order of sales, purchases, invoices, statements, also, training for planning of management in marketing strategies with regard to advertising and promotion through social networks, which help to improve proximity to future consumers and therefore profitability. The inquiry was focused on the line of investigation; Information and Communication Systems, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, under the sub-line Local Development and Sustainable and Sustainable Entrepreneurship that guides the Faculty of Administration, Finance and Informatics of the Technical University of Babahoyo, and for this purpose it was proposed to do a qualitative research, using inductive method, observation techniques; interview and survey and instruments such as forms for the collection of information.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe objective of this research work was to know the Innovation Management of Warehouse Regalías, located in the Canton Ventanas, Province of Los Ríos, from the implementation of innovative ideas, basically in technology that helps to optimize its administrative process with the use of a software in the inventory to keep chronological order of sales, purchases, invoices, statements, also, training for planning of management in marketing strategies with regard to advertising and promotion through social networks, which help to improve proximity to future consumers and therefore profitability. The inquiry was focused on the line of investigation; Information and Communication Systems, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, under the sub-line Local Development and Sustainable and Sustainable Entrepreneurship that guides the Faculty of Administration, Finance and Informatics of the Technical University of Babahoyo, and for this purpose it was proposed to do a qualitative research, using inductive method, observation techniques; interview and survey and instruments such as forms for the collection of information.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo conocer la Gestión de innovación de Almacén Regalías, ubicada en el Cantón Ventanas, Provincia de Los Ríos, a partir de la implementación de ideas innovadoras, básicamente en tecnología que ayude a optimizar su proceso administrativo con la utilización de un software en el inventario para llevar orden cronológico de las ventas, compras, facturaciones, declaraciones, asimismo, capacitaciones para planificación de la gestión en estrategias de marketing en lo que respecta a publicidad y promoción por medio de las redes sociales, que ayuden a mejorar la cercanía con los futuros consumidores y por ende de rentabilidad. La indagación estuvo enfocada en la línea de investigación; Sistemas de Información y Comunicación, Emprendimiento e Innovación, bajo la sub línea Desarrollo Local y Emprendimiento Sostenible y Sustentable que pauta la Facultad de Administración, Finanzas e Informática de la Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo, y por tal fin se planteó hacer una investigación cualitativa, empleando método inductivo, técnicas de observación; entrevista y encuesta e instrumentos como formularios para la recolección de información.es_ES
dc.format.extent35 p.es_ES
dc.publisherBABAHOYO: UTB, 2021es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.titleGestión de la innovación en Almacén Regalías del cantón Ventanases_ES

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